Computer-hardware-Training Tutor in Park Circus,, Kolkata

Depon Das (Code - TSS-4114)

Teaching Details

Laptop-Repairing, Monitor-Repairing, Printer-Repairing, Desktop-Repairing, Networking, Mobile-Repairing, Tab-Repairing, (Computer-hardware-Training)

Personal Details

Name: Depon Das

Guardian's Name: Samir kr Das

Area: Park Circus,

Institute: Prafulla Chandara College

Styding at Grade: B.Com Pass

Area PIN Code: 700046

Tutoring Requirements: I want to good teacher who have a small batch and they provide me good knowledge about this subject with theory and practically. He has a vast experience about this field. they are provide me industry ready practical tranning.

Best Time to Call: 6pm to 7 pm