School-level-computer, (Class-VII-X-Home-Tuition)
Computer-Science, Computer-Application, (Class-XI-XII-Home-Tuition)
School-Level-Training, BCA-Subjects, Basic-Computer-Operation, C++, Java, DBMS, (Computer-IT-Tuition)
Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Location: 1
Area: Dum Dum
Qualification: Schooling from ICSE, Doing MCA from RCC IIT KOLKATA ,previously completed my BCA from THE HERITAGE ACADEMY
Tutoring Experience: I am teaching maths science and computer since last two years. Now I want to shift my teaching domain only to computer ,so that i can spread my computer knowledge to the aspiring young school students, so that they start to develop a keen interest and passion towards the subject computer.
Tutoring Approach: I believe quality is the most priority so I have decided even if I take group tutions i will only take five to eight students per batch .
Fees Expected: 500/student/subject
Online Tutoring Experience:
Online Tutoring Tools: