Home Tuition Tutor Near Me East Rajapur, Kolkata

Amitava Bhattacharjee (Code - TST-484)

Teaching Details

School-Level-Training, Computer-for-official-job, Basic-Computer-Operation, (Computer-IT-Tuition)

Laptop-Repairing, Monitor-Repairing, Printer-Repairing, Desktop-Repairing, Networking, Tab-Repairing, (Computer-hardware-Training)

Personal Details

Age: 46 years

Gender: Male

Location: 1

Area: East Rajapur

Qualification: B. Sc. (Phys, Chem, Maths), Electrical Engineering from Jadavpur

Tutoring Experience: 15 years teaching experience in Computer Hardware and Networking home tuition near me East Rajapur, Jadavpur, Santoshpur, Teach basic level computer hardware, Networking, Linux server and windows server configuration and maintenance.

Tutoring Approach: Computer Hardware and Networking tutors in Kolkata,

Fees Expected: Negotiable

Online Tutoring Experience: 10 years experience in Online Computer Hardware and Networking classes near me East Rajapur, Kolkata

Online Tutoring Tools: Whatsapp, Google Meet, Zoom, Goodnotes