School-level-computer, Computer-Science, (Class-VII-X-Home-Tuition)
Computer-Science, Computer-Application, (Class-XI-XII-Home-Tuition)
Software-Tools-Applications, Programming-Language, Microsoft-Office, BCA-Subjects, C++, Visual-Basic, SQL, DBMS, (Computer-IT-Tuition)
Computer-Science, IT, Electronics-Communication, (Engineering-Subjects-Tuition)
Computer-Science, MCA-Subjects, BCA-Subjects, (MCA-BCA-Tuition)
Computer-Science, (MSc-Bsc-Tuition)
Age: 32 years
Gender: Male
Location: 99
Qualification: Schooling bengali in Electronics from MCA from techno india
Tutoring Experience: 5 years
Tutoring Approach: Private camputer teacher at barrackpur up to MCA-BCA Subjects, Passionate as educator and like to share my knowledge with a person who is equally passionate with computer science. Like to teach with student's comfort that he/she can understand everything with his/ her own way.
Fees Expected: Negotiable
Online Tutoring Experience:
Online Tutoring Tools: