Computer-Science, (Class-VII-X-Home-Tuition)
Bengali, Computer-Science, (Class-XI-XII-Home-Tuition)
All-Subjects, PHP, (Computer-IT-Tuition)
Computer-Science, (MCA-BCA-Tuition)
Age: 25 years
Gender: Male
Location: 100
Area: Baruipur
Qualification: Master Degree in Computer
Tutoring Experience: 6 Years
Tutoring Approach: Get private tuition on C, C , Java programming languages. Computer science teacher available in Kolkata. Mode of teaching: You have to come to our premises to get private coaching. If you need a teacher @ your location you need to call us for that. 20% discount (on tuition fee applicable) for 2 students
Fees Expected: Negotiable
Online Tutoring Experience:
Online Tutoring Tools: