Computer-Science, (Class-XI-XII-Home-Tuition)
Computer-Science, (Graduation-Level-Tuition)
IT-Computer-Subjects, MCA-Subjects, Graphics-Multimedia, Database-Architecture, BCA-Subjects, Basic-Computer-Operation, C++, Java, SQL, Oracle, DBMS, (Computer-IT-Tuition)
Computer-Science, IT, (Engineering-Subjects-Tuition)
Computer-Science, (MCA-BCA-Tuition)
Computer-Science, (MSc-Bsc-Tuition)
Age: 22 years
Gender: Male
Location: 101
Area: Hill View Main
Qualification: B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Durgapur, Schooling form WB Bengali
Tutoring Experience: Recently I started my teaching journey as a trainer. I devote my mind for entire satisfaction of the students.
Tutoring Approach: I behave with the students politely and have keen desire of the taje subject during teaching.
Fees Expected: On negotiation with the party on contact
Online Tutoring Experience:
Online Tutoring Tools: